Is it cool to (1)

If you haven’t already noticed, you don’t see everything your friends post on Facebook. Why? Because of this Facebook algorithm called Edgerank. Instead of seeing all the activity of all your friends, you only see a select few (selected by Facebook of course) pop up on your news feed. Usually friends that don’t “Like” or comment on your posts usually stop seeing them after awhile. That’s why you don’t see any activity on Facebook from that uni “friend” (acquaintance) you shared one class with. They’re probably using Facebook regularly but due to the lack of your online interaction with this person, their activity is not hitting your news feed.

Let me explain how Facebook works. Once you post something it instantly appears on your and your friend’s news feed. When you like or comment on something it appears on your and your friend’s news feed instantly too. We all have a few friends in common, do you notice when it’s a friend’s birthday and every time a mutual friend greets them on Facebook their greeting jumps back on top of our news feed, the same principles apply with Likes.

Likes have a ripple affect. By liking your post (in particular your business or blog posts) with your personal Facebook account at a later time of the day, gives the content an opportunity to be viewed by friends who may not have been online at the time you first published the post. Giving the post another chance to be liked by another friend, or be seen by friends who may not be currently following your business or blog page. When they then like the post their action will appear on their Facebook news feed and seen by their friends. Likes have the power to spread not to just friends, but friends of friends. This is why you should like your own posts.